Plastic Hunters

By Gabriel

This is a story that shows how “Impossible” can become “I-m-possible” through determination and action. 

I was lucky to go on board the "Plastic Odyssey" during its 28th stop on its journey around the world in Hong Kong. Founded by Simon Bernard and Alexandre Dechelotte, “Plastic Odyssey” is a global project aboard a boat that travels the seas to reduce plastic use and educate communities about plastic pollution. Their logo cleverly combines a plastic bottle and the sea, symbolising their mission.

During the tour of the boat, I saw the machines the crew of 20 uses to process plastics collected at sea into furniture. My guide, Alaric, highlighted the urgency of plastic pollution—20 tonnes enter our oceans every minute! They embarked on an “impossible” odyssey to teach people how to pollute less, including removing plastic from the uninhabitable Henderson Island, a UNESCO World Heritage Site known as the world’s most polluted place.

At the end of our visit, the crew served us toothsome vegan food on the deck, decorated with a garland made from recycled potato chip bags, overlooking the stunning Hong Kong skyline. Recently, I learned that the devastating flash floods in Spain were caused by global warming, highlighting the need for everyone to protect the planet. I am inspired to use less plastic and educate my friends.


A Day of Delicious Bread!

By Gabriel

On October 16, 2024, to coincide with World Food Day, La Fête du Pain (Bread Festival) was organised by the Consulate General of France for the first time in Hong Kong to celebrate French bakery!

During the event, I met the French Consul General, Christile Drulhe, who was greeting all the French bakers and distributors. I then tried a large array of French baked goods, from sweet chocolate croissants to beautiful mille-feuille, from not-so-sour sourdough to a one-of-a-kind apricot tart made by Chef Maxime. I also learned that my favourite butterfly pastry, which I thought was from Hong Kong, is actually French and called “palmier” or “papillon”. Plus, the baguette is part of UNESCO’s cultural heritage list!

Being from Hong Kong, I know that we also have a rich history of baked goods! It would be amazing if we could showcase ours too! Baked goods like pineapple buns and “wife” cake or “sweetheart cake” are not only delicious but have cute names! Through them, locals and visitors could learn a lot about our heritage and appreciate our delicious history!

The Importance of Being Earnest by Oscar Wilde

I recommend this book because it is one of the funniest and most delightful social satires that I’ve read.  No other plays so colorfully pokes fun at Victorian high society. I read it when I was in high school when we had to analyze the play but on re-reading it, I find it no less hilarious.  It is no wonder that The Importance of Being Earnest is considered to be Oscar Wilde’s timeless classic.  The playwright’s trademark sardonic wit permeates every part of the play – so much so that almost every line of the play is quotable. 

One interesting aspect of this play is hinted by the subtitle: “A Trivial Comedy for Serious People”.  The subject matters that the play touched upon are all important: love and marriage, divorce and illegitimacy, education, class distinctions, the real versus the ideal, and death.  But all these “serious” topics are treated by the play’s characters with trivial, off-hand, and insouciant remarks.  A few examples should suffice:

  • On Class: “Really, if the lower orders don’t set us a good example, what on earth is the use of them?”

  • On Education: “I do not approve of anything that tampers with natural ignorance. Ignorance is like a delicate exotic fruit; touch it and the bloom is gone. The whole theory of modern education is radically unsound. Fortunately in England, at any rate, education produces no effect whatsoever. If it did, it would prove a serious danger to the upper classes, and probably lead to acts of violence in Grosvenor Square.”

  • On Death: “To lose one parent, Mr. Worthing, may be regarded as a misfortune; to lose both looks like carelessness.”

  • On Married Life: “No married man is ever attractive except to his wife. And often, I’ve been told, not even to her.”

When asked if there is a philosophy behind this play, Wilde glibly replies (with characteristic irony): “We should treat all the trivial things of life seriously, and all the serious things of life with sincere and studied triviality.”  It is then no wonder that “serious” critics and playwrights of the time (like George Bernard Shaw) found this play to be devoid of any merits.  But all seriousness aside, The Importance of Being Earnest is just plain funny stuff – a comedic masterpiece.  The plot of the play is too intricate to summarize even in brief – the four main lovers (Jack Worthing, Algernon Moncrieff, Cecily Cardew, Gwendolen Fairfax) are sometimes partners, sometimes competitors, and at all times trying to hide something from each other.  While no one is in name or in fact, Earnest, everyone either pretends to be or pursues this ideal.  Wilde managed to keep this delightful irony to the very end of the play – even the very last line of the play when Jack Worthing proclaimed to his Aunt Augusta: “I’ve realized for the first time in my life the Importance of Being Earnest” is not an earnest statement.

Bottom line: If you want a real comedy to brighten your day, forget about a sitcom or a funny movie which can often be juvenile, crass, tasteless, and/or too dependent on physical humor – do yourself a favor instead and read The Importance of Being Earnest. You’ll thank me for it, earnestly!


Joanne Chan 陳祖泳

近年阿聯酋逐漸成為旅遊熱點,而在阿聯酋眾多城市之中,杜拜最為人熟悉,其次就是距離杜拜兩小時車程的阿布達比。阿布達比的旅遊景點不算多,較知名的可數謝赫紮耶德大清真寺(Sheikh Zayed Mosque)和法拉利世界主題公園(Ferrari World Abu Dhabi)。謝赫紮耶德大清真寺其實是世界十大清真寺之一,建築亦非常壯觀,但是到訪的遊客仍屬少數。然而,近來全球藝術界的熱話就是「 阿布達比羅浮宮」(Louvre Abu Dhabi)正式開幕,可能會令大家從此對這個城市另眼相看。

10多年前,阿布達比市政府希望在30年後停止依賴石油作為經濟支柱,因此致力令經濟多元發展,同時全力支持文化及教育推廣,提升國民質素。市內的薩迪亞特文化區(Saadiyat cultural district)將會是文化發展重點區,而「 阿布達比羅浮宮」(Louvre Abu Dhabi)正是區內的第一座博物館,經過10餘年的建設,於2017年11月11日正式開幕。阿布達比羅浮宮的面積雖然只是巴黎羅浮宮的十分之一,但正因如此,參觀者可以很深入地欣賞展品。筆者有幸參加開幕禮,並率先一睹館內的收藏,很高興為大家介紹這座萬眾期待的博物館,並分享遊覽此館的一些心得。

阿布達比羅浮宮形狀儼如海中的海龜 ©Joanne Chan

阿布達比羅浮宮形狀儼如海中的海龜 ©Joanne Chan


要徹底欣賞阿布達比羅浮宮,首先要認識它的故事。有很多人稱它為巴黎羅浮宮的首間分館,但其實這並不正確,因為羅浮宮早在2012已經在法國北部小鎮朗斯(Lens)開設了首間分館。阿布達比羅浮宮甚至稱不上為分館,因為它只有30年的冠名權,而且館內來自巴黎羅浮宮的藏品其實只佔一小部份。館內的藏品有一半來自法國13家博物館,另一半則來至阿布達比羅浮宮自己建立的收藏,及少量從阿聯酋其它地區博物館借來的展品。來自法國的展品借用期為10年,每件展品最多只能展出兩年,而法國展品的比例也會在這10年內逐漸減少。除了借出展品,聯合法國博物院對外合作機構法國(Agence France Musée)亦為阿布達比羅浮宮聘請了50多名員工,以協助博物館建立自己的收藏。

天幕由法國建築師努維爾精心設計,營造「光影星雨」效果 。© Virginia Ma

天幕由法國建築師努維爾精心設計,營造「光影星雨」效果 。© Virginia Ma


筆者在博物館落成前看過不少阿布達比羅浮宮的相片,心中已有大概印象,但實境卻跟照片截然不同。遠看,博物館就像是一隻在海上飄浮的海龜;近距離看,博物館卻比照片所見的面積顯然較小。即使如此,當我進入博物館時,都不禁地讚嘆一聲:「太美了!」博物館被海水包圍著,天空與大海融為一體,讓人感覺安詳、平靜,是一個適合冥想的地方。博物館由曾獲普立茲克獎(Pritzker Architecture Prize)的法國著名建築師讓.努維爾(Jean Nouvel)設計,頂部是一個巨大的天幕,由八層仿照棕櫚樹幾何鏤空通花的設計重疊而成。該天幕重達七千五百噸,比巴黎鐵塔還要重二百噸。在每日的不同時間,光線會從天幕的多角度輕輕流瀉而下,令人彷似置身於慢動作的迪斯可舞會光球下,享受著「光影星雨」的效果。有到訪者好奇問到,為甚麼不採用一些新研製的物料,令天幕可以輕一點呢?原來這個不鏽鋼及鋁材天幕,有著阻隔陽光和高溫的作用,站在天幕下享受陣陣海風,令人感覺出乎意料地舒服。不過博物館內則因為長期開冷氣來保存藝術作品,所以室內環境非常冰冷,建議參觀者要帶備足夠衣物。博物館內的裝潢以玻璃和銀色為主調,既前衛亦簡潔,感覺跟蘋果專賣店有一點相似。

© Louvre Abu Dhabi - Photography Marc Domage

© Louvre Abu Dhabi - Photography Marc Domage






© Louvre Abu Dhabi - Photography Marc Domage

© Louvre Abu Dhabi - Photography Marc Domage




達文西(Leonardo da Vinci)的畫作《美麗的費隆妮葉夫人》(La belle ferronnière) © Louvre Abu Dhabi, MD

達文西(Leonardo da Vinci)的畫作《美麗的費隆妮葉夫人》(La belle ferronnière) © Louvre Abu Dhabi, MD

除了跟隨兩條路線參觀阿布達比羅浮宮,筆者認為館內的展品還有兩個值得注意的地方,其一就是整個收藏的獨特性。現時館內展覽逾600件藝術品,其中300件是由法國借出的。當中最矚目的包括有達文西(Leonardo da Vinci)的畫作《美麗的費隆妮葉夫人》(La belle ferronnière)、梵高(Vincent van Gogh)1887年的自畫像、 莫内(Monet)的《聖拉紮爾火車站》(Gare Saint Lazare)、以及雅克-路易.大衛(Jacques-Louis David)的《拿破崙翻越阿爾卑斯山》。這些作品當然很吸引,但它們將在10年之內先後歸還法國,所以阿布達比羅浮宮有需要發展自己的收藏。

梵高(Vincent van Gogh)1887年的自畫像  ©Per Artem Lumen Limited

梵高(Vincent van Gogh)1887年的自畫像  ©Per Artem Lumen Limited


筆者發現阿布達比羅浮宮所收購的藏品非常注重藝術品的收藏歷程,他們除了看重整個藝術收藏外,亦非常注重每一件藝術品的「故事」元素。 他們第一件購買的藝術品是荷蘭抽象畫家蒙德里安(Piet Mondrian)的《紅、黃、藍協奏曲》(Composition with Blue, Red, Yellow and Black),從2009年佳士得(Christie’s)的伊夫.聖羅蘭(Yves Saint Laurent)及皮埃爾.伯奇(Pierre Bergé)的世紀拍賣中投得。

荷蘭抽象畫家蒙德里安 (Piet Mondrian) 的〈紅、黃、藍協奏曲的構成〉 (Composition with Blue, Red, Yellow and Black)。這件作品是從在2009年佳士得的伊夫•聖羅蘭 (Yves Saint Laurent)及皮埃爾•伯奇(Pierre Bergé) 的世紀拍賣中投得© Louvre Abu Dhabi / Thierry Ollivier  © 2015 Mondrian / Holtzman Trust.jpg

荷蘭抽象畫家蒙德里安 (Piet Mondrian) 的〈紅、黃、藍協奏曲的構成〉 (Composition with Blue, Red, Yellow and Black)。這件作品是從在2009年佳士得的伊夫•聖羅蘭 (Yves Saint Laurent)及皮埃爾•伯奇(Pierre Bergé) 的世紀拍賣中投得© Louvre Abu Dhabi / Thierry Ollivier  © 2015 Mondrian / Holtzman Trust.jpg

在那次拍賣中,阿布達比羅浮宮還購買了皮埃爾.勒格蘭(Pierre Legrain)設計的裝飾風藝術凳子。這件傢俬曾屬法國另一位知名時裝設計大師和藝術品收藏家雅克.杜塞(Jacques Doucet)所擁有,杜塞以收藏畢加索的《亞維農的少女》(Les Demoiselles d'Avignon)而享譽國際。因此這件藏品不僅反映了藝術的歷史,還展現了收藏家的熱誠和故事。

另外,最近達文西(Leonardo da Vinci)的《救世主》(Salvator Mundi)以史上最高拍賣價被投得,震撼了整個藝術界,這個神秘買家的身份,隨著阿布達比羅浮宮開幕而終於揭盅。《救世主》是達文西最後一幅被拍賣的作品,它將永久被收藏在阿布達比羅浮宮中。



眾所周知,達文西的《蒙羅麗莎》是巴黎羅浮宮的代表展品。而阿布達比羅浮宮的鎮館之將會是達文西的《救世主》,它是現存世上僅有的15幅達文西真跡之一,參觀者想必會對這件珍藏特別感興趣,並爭相拍照留念。由於從法國借來的展品只會在阿布達比羅浮宮展出10年,因此阿布達比羅浮宮決定以4.5億美元(約35億港元)購買《救世主》這幅價值不菲的作品。這幅達文西的油畫真跡絕對有足夠份量作為鎮館之寶,同時這個拍賣界的世界紀錄可為博物館的開幕打響頭炮,增加其知名度,並掀起各界的話題。 阿布達比羅浮宮收購的每一件藏品,都有著耐人尋味的故事背景,值得參觀者仔細研究。


張洹的《家譜》 (同屬香港M+希克藏品)@Per Artem Lumen Limited

張洹的《家譜》 (同屬香港M+希克藏品)@Per Artem Lumen Limited


筆者跟隨羅浮宮總館長參觀展覽,令整個展覽更加生動有趣,亦對展館的理念有深了解。他非常著重來自中國的收藏品,興奮地介紹博物館最新收購的藝術品《有翼的龍》。在眾多展品中,這件來自戰國時代(西元前475-221年)的巨型動物雕塑可謂獨一無二,憑其外形可推敲它是宮殿或墳墓中的裝飾。這件藝術品進駐阿布達比羅浮宮之前,是銀行家及藝術收藏家阿道夫.斯托克雷特(Adolphe Stoclet)的其中一件寶物。

《有翼的龍》©Per Artem Lumen Limited

《有翼的龍》©Per Artem Lumen Limited

博物館的第六個展覽廳位於館內中心地帶,裏面講述中西方如何接軌,談及中國對世界科技和文化的重要性,例如紙丶絲綢、瓷器都是中國的重要發明,而中國的花紋設計,亦經過貿易輾轉傳到西方。但最為參觀者帶來驚喜的,莫過於展館「A Global Scene」(一個全球性的場景)。這一間位於最後方的展覽廳以現代藝術為題,展出了10多件藝術品,其中3件是來自中國本土藝術家的手筆,分別是艾未未的《光之噴泉》、張洹的《家譜》 (同屬香港M+希克藏品),及嚴培明的自畫像。此外亦有一件來自法國藝術家Philippe Ramette、以香港為題的展品《Balcony II》。筆者過去擔任法國五月藝術節總監時,這個作品亦曾在香港展出。這四件藝術品的主題鮮明,而且體積較大,成功吸引很多參觀者的注意,令中國藝術搶盡風頭,亦彷彿向所有參觀者傳遞一個訊息——中國就是當代藝術的中心。

法國藝術家Philippe Ramette、以香港為題的展品《Balcony II》@Per Artem Lumen Limited

法國藝術家Philippe Ramette、以香港為題的展品《Balcony II》@Per Artem Lumen Limited

阿布達比羅浮宮的常設藝廊面積達6,400平方米,走一圈需要大約3小時。參觀過後,筆者感覺如像看了一齣高潮起伏的電影,既著迷亦滿足。 法國總統馬克龍(Emmanuel Macron)在開幕時曾引述陀思妥耶夫斯基(Dostoevsky)的名句「 美麗將拯救世界」,並在其演說中九次提及「美麗」這個詞。筆者相信阿布達比羅浮宮將會像法國一樣,給人無限「美麗」的聯想。